Well it's been a while.
Assalamualaikum everyone. I hope you are all in the best of health and are continuing to strive for success because that's how we all roll. I'm so glad to be finally writing again and to be posting all my drafts for the next months that I've been saving, but never being able to physically 'publish'. The reason for that? I'll get to it in a sec.
Today we discuss happiness. A fundamental emotion that truly should be our main goal to attain and maintain in life. As cliché as it sounds, happiness is a necessity that we must strive to grip onto and not let go. It's the difference between 'having a good day' and having a 'good life'. If you aren't happy then you will simply not lead a good fulfilled life.
So sit back, grab a hot drink and let me help you come to your senses. Welcome back to "finding your way", with me FindingNeem. Hope you didn't miss me too much.
So I would say that the last three-four months have been quite difficult for me. Unfortunately, someone with an extreme impact and influence in my life had passed away. Someone who had one of the most beautiful souls: my amazing grandfather (May his soul rest peacefully In Sha Allah). He was a humble and kind human being, and a foul word would never exit his mouth. His patience and energetic spirit is what I always looked up to. He always uplifted my mood whenever I saw him, and I am so blessed to have lived almost 18 years with him being actively present in my life. 'Generous' does not even come close to what my grandfather was. He was so special to everyone. So respected. A man of honour and integrity. That was my grandfather. My heart.
So yeah, it's been hard for me to be happy in terms of dealing with that and many other things but at the end of the day, I know exactly what I need to do in order to become a happier person, so why not share it, you know? Being genuinely happy is what I, along with many of you, need to achieve in a life where it seemingly becomes more difficult to do. What irritates me is that I used to be the person that attached materialistic possessions with my happiness. What was I thinking? Simply putting it, money don't mean sh*t. The car you drive, the watch 'glistening' on your wrist, the fancy overpriced drink you're sipping, the handbag you're flexing, the shoes you're showcasing DOESN'T MEAN ANYTHING. You think this rubbish can help you when you feel like nothing? You've sized yourself down to an atom because you're so depressed with yourself and what you've become. When you want to drown yourself with all the problems you have? When things don't go right with your partner? When your friend stabbed you in the back? When your family talk sh*t to each other all the time and dragged you into it? Or how about when your grades start dropping or your dreams start fading and your purpose in your life disintegrates? Or the time someone said they loved you and quickly forgot you with a finger click? How about when you let yourself rely on someone so deeply you lost yourself? Forgot your worth? Forgot who you were, what interested you and left those who actually cared about you out in the lurch? Tell me what money can do for you then! You spend your whole life thinking in a way which makes your values and morales lessen... but you don't care because you've got money right? Straight flexing.
Wrong. What you're attaining with materialistic possession is a temporary settlement. You're not really and truly happy. You're settling for the next best option to make yourself feel good for the next hour, day or week. When this fades, you're back to square one, thinking what next product to buy because you've fallen for this dumb industrial sh*t that you've told yourself will help ease your sorrow. Thank God i'm not where I used to be. This sort of materialistic thinking will break you one day. I promise you.
I don't mean to sound harsh, or make it look like I know who you are, or what you're about. I am simply talking from experience when I say that you will never be truly and genuinely happy unless you are content with yourself first. Put yourself first sometimes. Be selfish sometimes. It's fine, and I'm telling you it's honestly okay to not worry about everyone all at once. I get it. I've done this numerous times. You place everyone's problems on your shoulders because you feel obliged to be that 'one' they can always rely on. Yes, be there for someone, but also be there for yourself. Learn how to pick yourself up when you've been brought down. Learn that we all make mistakes and no one knows to live perfectly. Learn that surrounding yourself in good 'energy' really helps dictate your happiness. 'Energy' and 'vibes' are mostly what our gut instinct is made up of, so if your gut is telling you that someone is not good for you, then listen to it. You know yourself more than a person telling you that they do. No one truly knows you but yourself. You know how to be happy, and I don't need to teach you.
Let go of the people the hold you back.
Listen to yourself.
Let go of the people that tire you out constantly and give you nothing but stress and negativity.
Listen to yourself.
Don't believe you cannot achieve greatness but know that to achieve greatness, you must work hard.
Listen to yourself.
Understand that happiness is an emotion that you are in control of. You are in charge of your own happiness. If you get out of bed thinking you are not able to 'go on about your day', take a look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself you can.
Listen to yourself.
Appreciate the people that want to be in your life because they care but DON'T mistaken this for the people that are just selfish because they do not want to let you go. LET YOURSELF GO OF THEM. FREE YOURSELF.
Listen to your damn self.
Make a list of actual goals and make happiness your main priority, not clothes, not money and definitely not relationships.
Listen to yourself please.
Realise and feed off your personal interests and immerse yourself WITH yourself. Enjoy your precious time to embark on new positive experiences and create memories that will leave an imprint in your heart.
Listen to yourself.
Protect your heart from being tainted with the same people that cause you grief. Nothing lasts forever, so make your life worth living by escaping from those that cause you distress.
Listen to yourself.
Be happy, be happy, be happy.
Know that it's fine to have those moments where you feel like breaking, but do not let these moments allow you to forget your blessings and make you feel like you cannot overcome this bout of depression.
Love yourself.
Do not let your happiness lie within someone else, learn to be happy and alone.
Love yourself dammit.
Love yourself enough to know what's good for you and what's not. Love yourself enough to know that you are strong and can overcome whatever obstacle you face. Love yourself enough to tell yourself that you deserve to be happy.
We all deserve happiness.
Preserve your happiness. Live happy. Be happy. Thank you for reading. Till next time,
Find Your Way, FindingNeem

Saturday, 13 February 2016
Tuesday, 22 September 2015
Tas Talks Tuesday: Who's Got You?
Assalamualaikum everyone - hello, hi, greetings. Before I begin, can I just say pat on the back to myself. It's my blog's 3rd year anniversary today! Thank you all for your continuous support and for always coming back to read what I have to say. I truly appreciate it and continue to strive to post better content for you <3 Here's to another 3+ years of blogging, youtubing and all that other goodness. I don't ever plan to stop doing what I love, so thank you for allowing me to share this journey with you. Let's get down to it.
"Real eyes, Realize, Real highs".
Let that sink in for a moment.
Are you comfortable with your circle, your group, your clique? Do you think all of your 'friends' are actually there for you when you need them most? How about when you don't know that you need them? You're alone in your room, dealing with the same old problems that you have to deal with. No one's actually there for you though right? Maybe virtually, with whatsapp and whatnot. But who's actually there for you? It's safe to say that many people will come and go in your life, but the ones who have always had your back will always find a way back to you - even if you haven't spoken for years. Loyalty makes you family in my eyes, nothing else. Who's got you though? What makes you differentiate a friend between someone who's like family? Let's explore this.
A friend. Google states that a friend is a "person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection". In my opinion, a friend is someone who cares for you, doesn't judge you for your past and believes in your future. This is the person you can open up to without feeling like they will criticise you or your situation. They advise you, look after you and want the best for you. Friend's argue and disagree, but those real friends will always come back to you. Always. I promise you this. Realise how I said 'you can open up to' instead of 'you tell them everything'. This is crucial. People like to believe that if you have many friends, they know everything about you. I'm blessed to have many good friends, but that doesn't mean they must know absolutely everything about me, does it? We all need to have boundaries when it comes to opening up. Okay, cool, you want to tell someone everything about yourself, your past problems etc, fine. Don't expect everyone else to though. I'll elaborate:
I don't know if this is me personally or if it's an actual huge percentage of us, but I do not like speaking about my personal private life too much, to the point where it's always a topic of discussion. We all have our own lives to uphold and maintain, and some aspects need to be done in private... by ourselves. Your friends do not have to know every single detail about your life - and that's completely okay. Don't think you're being a bad 'friend' if you take more time to open up to someone or don't open up to them about certain aspects of your life. It's your life. I don't think anyone is obliged to force information out of you with the excuse of them being a 'friend'. That just doesn't make sense.
And if you are one of those individuals thinking right now, "well I should know everything that goes on in my friends life", then please get rid of this thought. I agree that we should know specific information about our friends, specific issues and/or situations that affect our friends present or future, but damn - give them some space. Let them open up to you in their own time and do not force anything. My point is this: if what I have to say affects our friendship, my happiness, your happiness or our future, I will tell you. If it's not relevant to you or to our friendship, why must you know? I'm going slightly off topic but I really did have to get that off my chest.
Familia. These 'friends' do not even come under the category of friends because they are so much more, end of story. They know you inside out because you've connected with them on a stronger and deeper level. They're loyal and will be the first ones you call whenever you are in a bad situation. Friends care about your future, but family makes sure you attain this future, with them in it. Friends care for you but family makes you their priority. Friends won't judge you but family will keep it real with you and will tell you straight up what's on their mind. You need family in your life. Blood does not determine this bond.
It's so important to have at least one of these types of people in your lives. It's like a necessity. One thing I will tell you all though, do not waste your time with certain people. If you haven't already, watch my video below where I go into a bit more depth about people being 'idiots'. If you've already seen this, carry on reading.
"From 16 to 22, you meet a lot of temporary people". Friends grow apart sometimes. You'll catch yourself praying to God to remove those who are bad for you, and you'll slowly but surely see your circle decreasing. The question is, have they been removed from your life because they're 'bad' for you, or have you been removed from their lives because you're bad for them? Interesting how this friendship thing works, right?
I'll conclude with this: you are important. You were born to be loved and spread love. Do not let criticisms from others get to your heart and focus on who's actually got you - they are the only people you need. I remember when I was much younger, I believed that I genuinely had 30 friends, when in reality, most of them never had my back. I'm growing up and so are you. Realise who's down for you. You'll think that you have everyone's best interest at heart but guess what? Life has a funny way of making you realise that most people are not good for you and you are not good for them.
Your time on this earth is limited. Focus on yourself, your dreams, ambitions and legacy. Don't waste it on people who will never appreciate you. Thank you for reading.
"Real eyes, Realize, Real highs".
Let that sink in for a moment.
Are you comfortable with your circle, your group, your clique? Do you think all of your 'friends' are actually there for you when you need them most? How about when you don't know that you need them? You're alone in your room, dealing with the same old problems that you have to deal with. No one's actually there for you though right? Maybe virtually, with whatsapp and whatnot. But who's actually there for you? It's safe to say that many people will come and go in your life, but the ones who have always had your back will always find a way back to you - even if you haven't spoken for years. Loyalty makes you family in my eyes, nothing else. Who's got you though? What makes you differentiate a friend between someone who's like family? Let's explore this.
A friend. Google states that a friend is a "person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection". In my opinion, a friend is someone who cares for you, doesn't judge you for your past and believes in your future. This is the person you can open up to without feeling like they will criticise you or your situation. They advise you, look after you and want the best for you. Friend's argue and disagree, but those real friends will always come back to you. Always. I promise you this. Realise how I said 'you can open up to' instead of 'you tell them everything'. This is crucial. People like to believe that if you have many friends, they know everything about you. I'm blessed to have many good friends, but that doesn't mean they must know absolutely everything about me, does it? We all need to have boundaries when it comes to opening up. Okay, cool, you want to tell someone everything about yourself, your past problems etc, fine. Don't expect everyone else to though. I'll elaborate:
I don't know if this is me personally or if it's an actual huge percentage of us, but I do not like speaking about my personal private life too much, to the point where it's always a topic of discussion. We all have our own lives to uphold and maintain, and some aspects need to be done in private... by ourselves. Your friends do not have to know every single detail about your life - and that's completely okay. Don't think you're being a bad 'friend' if you take more time to open up to someone or don't open up to them about certain aspects of your life. It's your life. I don't think anyone is obliged to force information out of you with the excuse of them being a 'friend'. That just doesn't make sense.
And if you are one of those individuals thinking right now, "well I should know everything that goes on in my friends life", then please get rid of this thought. I agree that we should know specific information about our friends, specific issues and/or situations that affect our friends present or future, but damn - give them some space. Let them open up to you in their own time and do not force anything. My point is this: if what I have to say affects our friendship, my happiness, your happiness or our future, I will tell you. If it's not relevant to you or to our friendship, why must you know? I'm going slightly off topic but I really did have to get that off my chest.
Familia. These 'friends' do not even come under the category of friends because they are so much more, end of story. They know you inside out because you've connected with them on a stronger and deeper level. They're loyal and will be the first ones you call whenever you are in a bad situation. Friends care about your future, but family makes sure you attain this future, with them in it. Friends care for you but family makes you their priority. Friends won't judge you but family will keep it real with you and will tell you straight up what's on their mind. You need family in your life. Blood does not determine this bond.

It's so important to have at least one of these types of people in your lives. It's like a necessity. One thing I will tell you all though, do not waste your time with certain people. If you haven't already, watch my video below where I go into a bit more depth about people being 'idiots'. If you've already seen this, carry on reading.
"From 16 to 22, you meet a lot of temporary people". Friends grow apart sometimes. You'll catch yourself praying to God to remove those who are bad for you, and you'll slowly but surely see your circle decreasing. The question is, have they been removed from your life because they're 'bad' for you, or have you been removed from their lives because you're bad for them? Interesting how this friendship thing works, right?
I'll conclude with this: you are important. You were born to be loved and spread love. Do not let criticisms from others get to your heart and focus on who's actually got you - they are the only people you need. I remember when I was much younger, I believed that I genuinely had 30 friends, when in reality, most of them never had my back. I'm growing up and so are you. Realise who's down for you. You'll think that you have everyone's best interest at heart but guess what? Life has a funny way of making you realise that most people are not good for you and you are not good for them.
Your time on this earth is limited. Focus on yourself, your dreams, ambitions and legacy. Don't waste it on people who will never appreciate you. Thank you for reading.
Monday, 27 July 2015
Social Media Woes - Part One
Assalamualaikum ladies and gents! I hope you are all well and enjoying your holiday so far. First, please head to my channel and watch my new video, 'Annoying People On Social Media': http://youtu.be/v4oHbRNVXVY
Countless amounts of times I have seen cyber-bullying on different social platforms. Whether it's a dislike on a YouTube video, a 'thumbs down' emoticon on an Facebook post or an extremely abusive comment on an Instagram photo, it is very apparent that we as a young generation can be absolute idiots on social media. We can be fake, disgusting and horrid. Just because someone favourite's your tweet, doesn't mean they like or appreciate you for the content of your character. The saying goes, "do not fear the enemy that attacks you, fear the fake friend that hugs you". People can just be fake as hell to be honest. I, myself have personally experienced this. Your online friends can admire you, tell you how pretty you are or how cool your life is, but as soon as you turn around, there they are, back biting. I don't want to be associated with a knock off version of the 'mean girls', and neither should you. This applies to you males as well.
Do not let compliments get to your head and do not let criticisms get to your heart - a simple lesson we should all take on board. The way some people treat others on social media can be so appalling. I want you to realise that what you say to someone online, as well as face to face, can affect that person deeply. We withhold the power to make or break someone's day. Let's start making people feel better about themselves then making them feel inferior. I want to touch upon many topics within this subject, firstly for my female readers. I will post the 'male' side to this topic next week so stay tuned for that.
Why do you let the social standards of beauty get to you? Why is it that when you see an attractive female on the internet, your confidence quickly disintegrates? Are you sad that you cannot look like that individual? Are you angry that no one has recognised your beauty like they have to them? Well stop. It's extremely unfortunate that some females think they are not beautiful because they do not look like the girls that get 'worshipped' on social media. Don't think I am trying to take away anything from you ladies that receive this praise; I'm simply trying to reinforce my sisters that do not appreciate themselves that, they are in fact absolutely beautiful. Is that wrong?
This is for the ladies that feel too 'fat' and cannot embrace their curves. This is for the ladies that feel to 'anorexic' and cannot appreciate their slim physique. This is to the women who are classed as the 'plain janes' of the group because they do not wear make-up. This is for each and every one of you who feel depressed and irritated about what you look like. I appreciate you, my readers appreciate you, your family, friends, relatives and everyone else who do not openly compliment people (i.e. approach people in public) appreciates you. Embrace your appearance and focus on allowing your character to shine through. We do not have to tear each other down or envy each other on social media in order to feel some sense of empowerment. You're a Queen. I see you.
As I previously stated, there are many topics within this subject I feel the need to speak about. This was just a little reminder for my female readers that need to remember how important they are. You mean something to somebody. Treasure that. Don't feel like you're decreasing your 'womanhood' by paying someone a compliment on their page. Tell them they look good and appreciate their beauty. I'm sure you would want the same. A simple compliment can honestly make someone's day. It doesn't hurt to give it.
As always, any questions, queries or problems you have that you want my advice on, my e-mail is always open!
Till next time,
It's a little light hearted rant that i'm sure you will potentially find amusing. Thank you for taking the time out to read/watch my content. You do not understand how much I appreciate it. This blog post will however, contrast the video as I am going to write about the negative impact social media has upon this generation as opposed to just 'annoying people' in general. Grab a drink, relax, open up your mind and read ahead.
You are not the selfie you post on Instagram.
You are not the amount of likes you receive on your Facebook post.
You are not the amount of retweets your tweet has.
Your identity may be placed on your social media, but your soul is not.
Social media has grasped almost every single living person's attention. In fact, we, the younger generation, are almost encouraged to use social media to our advantage. Universities look for a unique selling point in each of us, whether we blog, make videos, have a photography website or have our own online business. Yes, there are many advantages of having social media accounts, but there are still so many negatives that occur. You are what you share. I don't care how many times you've heard or read something similar to what I am about to write, but seriously, be careful and aware of how you portray yourself to be on the internet.
No this isn't a bullying campaign, nor is it a lecture on what photographs you should post on your websites. This is something more important.
How do you make people feel on the internet?

Countless amounts of times I have seen cyber-bullying on different social platforms. Whether it's a dislike on a YouTube video, a 'thumbs down' emoticon on an Facebook post or an extremely abusive comment on an Instagram photo, it is very apparent that we as a young generation can be absolute idiots on social media. We can be fake, disgusting and horrid. Just because someone favourite's your tweet, doesn't mean they like or appreciate you for the content of your character. The saying goes, "do not fear the enemy that attacks you, fear the fake friend that hugs you". People can just be fake as hell to be honest. I, myself have personally experienced this. Your online friends can admire you, tell you how pretty you are or how cool your life is, but as soon as you turn around, there they are, back biting. I don't want to be associated with a knock off version of the 'mean girls', and neither should you. This applies to you males as well.

Why do you let the social standards of beauty get to you? Why is it that when you see an attractive female on the internet, your confidence quickly disintegrates? Are you sad that you cannot look like that individual? Are you angry that no one has recognised your beauty like they have to them? Well stop. It's extremely unfortunate that some females think they are not beautiful because they do not look like the girls that get 'worshipped' on social media. Don't think I am trying to take away anything from you ladies that receive this praise; I'm simply trying to reinforce my sisters that do not appreciate themselves that, they are in fact absolutely beautiful. Is that wrong?
This is for the ladies that feel too 'fat' and cannot embrace their curves. This is for the ladies that feel to 'anorexic' and cannot appreciate their slim physique. This is to the women who are classed as the 'plain janes' of the group because they do not wear make-up. This is for each and every one of you who feel depressed and irritated about what you look like. I appreciate you, my readers appreciate you, your family, friends, relatives and everyone else who do not openly compliment people (i.e. approach people in public) appreciates you. Embrace your appearance and focus on allowing your character to shine through. We do not have to tear each other down or envy each other on social media in order to feel some sense of empowerment. You're a Queen. I see you.

As always, any questions, queries or problems you have that you want my advice on, my e-mail is always open!
Till next time,
Sunday, 28 June 2015
We're All Trying.
Assalamualikum everyone. To those who are participating, Ramadan Mubarak! I hope you reap the rewards of this beautiful and blessed month. God bless you all. Keep me and my family in your prayers In Sha Allah (God Willing). Today's post will have a sort of 'Ramadan' theme, as I shall discuss the problem of people belittling others as they try to better themselves. Before I move on to the post, click the link to watch my first official 'TasneemBlogs' YouTube video :)
Let's begin.
The month of Ramadan is not only when Muslims fast for 30 days (sometimes 29) from sunrise to sunset, but is also the most perfect and blessed month of the year; arguably, the most awaited 'event' for a Muslim. Shaytaan (the devil) is locked away, so all actions coming from a person is purely their doing. There is no excuse for their negative behaviour. The month enables one to starve their stomach but feed their soul with inner peace, practise, prayer and contentment. What makes it even more beautiful is when Non-Muslims decide to fast in order to 'support' their friends or family, consequently leading them into feeling the amazing feeling that we Muslims feel: tranquillity. I swear, this month is meant for utter and complete peace, but why is it when some people try to better themselves, others are quick to judge? This doesn't just apply to people in the month of Ramadan or to Muslims only, but I will explain my views on those sections too.
Muslimahs. My brothers and sisters, we need to realise and understand that Allah did not create us perfect, and does not expect perfection. However, He does expect us to try our best. When you see a brother in Ramadan wearing his Thobe (Islamic dressing) as opposed to his usual jeans and hoody, why do you feel the need to point that out to other people around you, let alone saying this to yourself? Say Ma Sha Allah (all praise be to God) and keep everyone in your prayers that they continue their good habits even after Ramadan finishes. When you see a sister wearing a Hijab (headscarf) as opposed to her summer dresses, why do you feel the need to exaggerate that she doesn't wear it outside of Ramadan?
"She's a part time Hijabi"
"Look, her hair at the front is showing"
"You can see a bit of her skinny jeans showing underneath"
"He's a roadman outside of Ramadan"
"I bet his mum told him to wear that"
"Do they even pray though?"
Who are we to be constantly focusing our energy on judging someone who is essentially trying to better themselves. Whether it is covering themselves, praying and reading the Quran (Islamic holy book) more or even visiting the Mosque regularly, they are receiving the rewards whilst you are depriving yourself from it. The beauty of this month is that it has become a turning point for so many Muslims across the world. Don't ruin and discourage those who are trying. This could be their turning point. This isn't a competition my fellow Muslim brothers and sisters. Use this month efficiently and really try to better yourselves. Back-biting is considered to be a major sin, so watch your mouth and don't say anything unless it's positive. This month is about what you do, how you treat people, what you say, what actions you commit and what you do to strive to become a better Muslim. Do not let a temporary moment of you judging another decrease the good you've committed so far. At the end of the day, we are all striving to become better. We are all trying.
Even when Ramadan ends and Shaytaan (the devil) is free again, bite your tongue and refrain from being judgemental. This is a reminder for me as well as for you: back-biting to your friends is STILL back-biting. This does not change what you are doing no matter who you are with. For you to constantly point out the flaws in others who are trying to become better human beings, is disgusting. What makes you so superior to them? Is it because you pray 5 times a day but they only do it 'sometimes'. Is it because your Hijab covers your head completely but that sister's baby hairs are sticking out? Is it because you are so prestigious, you can wear whatever you want but they can't because they are not 'always' following the modest dress code? My brothers and sisters, please stop this nonsense. Don't judge others because they sin differently to you. If you see someone sin, become a "private educator", not a "public tribunal". Also, don't use that as an excuse to view them as inferior to you. Stay humble and do not let your so called perfect self float in the sky with arrogance.
We in general, have the tendency to judge everything and everyone. What separates us is what and how people act upon it. Some will think it, some will think it and say it, some will think it and say it to everyone they know, and the rest think it and choose to ignore their opinion and move on with their lives. Wouldn't the world be a much better place if we all strived to think like that? We are all facing a battle, all trying to overcome personal problems and we are all different.
We are all trying. That is all.
Let's begin.
The month of Ramadan is not only when Muslims fast for 30 days (sometimes 29) from sunrise to sunset, but is also the most perfect and blessed month of the year; arguably, the most awaited 'event' for a Muslim. Shaytaan (the devil) is locked away, so all actions coming from a person is purely their doing. There is no excuse for their negative behaviour. The month enables one to starve their stomach but feed their soul with inner peace, practise, prayer and contentment. What makes it even more beautiful is when Non-Muslims decide to fast in order to 'support' their friends or family, consequently leading them into feeling the amazing feeling that we Muslims feel: tranquillity. I swear, this month is meant for utter and complete peace, but why is it when some people try to better themselves, others are quick to judge? This doesn't just apply to people in the month of Ramadan or to Muslims only, but I will explain my views on those sections too.
Muslimahs. My brothers and sisters, we need to realise and understand that Allah did not create us perfect, and does not expect perfection. However, He does expect us to try our best. When you see a brother in Ramadan wearing his Thobe (Islamic dressing) as opposed to his usual jeans and hoody, why do you feel the need to point that out to other people around you, let alone saying this to yourself? Say Ma Sha Allah (all praise be to God) and keep everyone in your prayers that they continue their good habits even after Ramadan finishes. When you see a sister wearing a Hijab (headscarf) as opposed to her summer dresses, why do you feel the need to exaggerate that she doesn't wear it outside of Ramadan?
"She's a part time Hijabi"
"Look, her hair at the front is showing"
"You can see a bit of her skinny jeans showing underneath"
"He's a roadman outside of Ramadan"
"I bet his mum told him to wear that"
"Do they even pray though?"

Who are we to be constantly focusing our energy on judging someone who is essentially trying to better themselves. Whether it is covering themselves, praying and reading the Quran (Islamic holy book) more or even visiting the Mosque regularly, they are receiving the rewards whilst you are depriving yourself from it. The beauty of this month is that it has become a turning point for so many Muslims across the world. Don't ruin and discourage those who are trying. This could be their turning point. This isn't a competition my fellow Muslim brothers and sisters. Use this month efficiently and really try to better yourselves. Back-biting is considered to be a major sin, so watch your mouth and don't say anything unless it's positive. This month is about what you do, how you treat people, what you say, what actions you commit and what you do to strive to become a better Muslim. Do not let a temporary moment of you judging another decrease the good you've committed so far. At the end of the day, we are all striving to become better. We are all trying.
Even when Ramadan ends and Shaytaan (the devil) is free again, bite your tongue and refrain from being judgemental. This is a reminder for me as well as for you: back-biting to your friends is STILL back-biting. This does not change what you are doing no matter who you are with. For you to constantly point out the flaws in others who are trying to become better human beings, is disgusting. What makes you so superior to them? Is it because you pray 5 times a day but they only do it 'sometimes'. Is it because your Hijab covers your head completely but that sister's baby hairs are sticking out? Is it because you are so prestigious, you can wear whatever you want but they can't because they are not 'always' following the modest dress code? My brothers and sisters, please stop this nonsense. Don't judge others because they sin differently to you. If you see someone sin, become a "private educator", not a "public tribunal". Also, don't use that as an excuse to view them as inferior to you. Stay humble and do not let your so called perfect self float in the sky with arrogance.
We in general, have the tendency to judge everything and everyone. What separates us is what and how people act upon it. Some will think it, some will think it and say it, some will think it and say it to everyone they know, and the rest think it and choose to ignore their opinion and move on with their lives. Wouldn't the world be a much better place if we all strived to think like that? We are all facing a battle, all trying to overcome personal problems and we are all different.
We are all trying. That is all.

As always, any questions, queries or problems you have that you want my advice on, my e-mail is always open!
Till next time,
Till next time,
Wednesday, 3 June 2015
Don't Be Cruel To Be Kind
Assalamualaikum everyone. To all my student readers, I hope you achieve the grades you have worked so hard for in your exams. May God grant you all your wishes and dreams In Sha Allah (God Willing). Before I start, I am aware that I haven't posted in a while. This was due to my examinations that have finally ended, so In Sha Allah I do well. I have made some changes to the blog itself, tweaking it to my personal style with an official 'Finding Neem' logo. I hope you like it :)
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Art credit to Tanisha Barry (has drawn all of my characters on my blog) |
I have a couple of announcements to make too, so stick around till the end of the blog. Today I shall discuss the 'cruel' nature in people that claim to be 'kind'. Let's go.
Religiously speaking, to be kind to others is heavily encouraged. The Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) stated "Be kind, for whenever kindness becomes part of something, it beautifies it. Whenever it is taken from something, it leaves it tarnished". Kindness is innate within all of us, however, we easily seem to forget this 'trait' in our day to day antics. Some of us have the ability to withhold any sense of negativity, whilst others seem to be more interested in letting people know what they truly think of them. This is not being outspoken, 'real', or truthful. This is simply cruel. You are being cruel.
Obviously I am talking about society in general. Negativity seem's to be of a regularity. They seem to think that stating their personal opinions of others to that particular person or to a group of friends, somehow makes them a superior person. It doesn't, so please remove yourself off the high pedestal that you have solely placed yourself on. This isn't a competition of superiority, nor is it a way of expressing your thoughts and feelings. Your negativity is not wanted. If you claim that you are giving an 'honest opinion', please refrain from speaking aloud. You cannot continue to live using the excuse of "that's how I am" to excuse your rude and inconsiderate behavior. That's not how it works.
Growing up, I have come to realise the extent people go in order to make someone feel bad about themselves. From posting comments on social media to backbiting to mutual friends, there is simply no limit for these people. They seem to do as they please with a carefree attitude, thinking that it will somehow get them far in life. Guess what? It doesn't. Please don't think that your hurtful comments about an individual will not eventually 'get to that person'. Trust me, I bet that they already know what you have said about them; they are simply being the bigger person and not addressing it to you in order to avoid conflict. Seriously, grow up. Ultimately, the rude and ignorant individual want to essentially impress their 'circle', their associates and the rest of the world. They appear to think that they are better than you, when in reality, they are only trying to convince themselves of this. These people are known as the stuck up kind, let me move onto another breed of rudeness.
That is all I have to speak on about rudeness at this moments in time, however, I will elaborate more in the near future. Now time for the announcement!
Some of you may or may not know that I previously posted YouTube videos on my blog as a source of 'entertainment' as my blogs are arguably more on the serious side of things. I have however, decided to take those videos off and placed them as 'unlisted' on my settings. This means that you cannot search these videos on YouTube, but you can however still view them if you have the link. I will still leave the video links on my blog (you need to find the particular blog post in order to see them). The reason I have done this is because I really want to officially start a YouTube channel, with good content and a good editing style. My other videos were only for the purpose of the blog, so I was not fussed about the editing etc. If you want to support my official channel 'TasneemBlogs', then you can by clicking 'subscribe'. I want to try this whole YouTube thing out. Let's see where it takes me..
In Sha Allah you have enjoyed this blog post, the new theme/layout and are just as excited for this whole YouTube thing. I will be posting a introduction video soon. As always, any questions, queries or problems you have that you want my advice on, my e-mail is always open!
Till next time,
Thursday, 12 March 2015
Why So Selfish?
Assalamualaikum everyone! To my student readers, I hope you are studying for exams and meeting those deadlines! It's been a while but I'll cut straight to the point. Selfish human, I am speaking to you.
Saturday, 10 January 2015
Je Suis Muslim
Assalamualaikum everyone. Today I am going to get straight into it, the topic revolving around the events which occurred in Paris a couple of days ago. First watch my video where I put a couple of points across.
Oh Allah, please continue to increase my knowledge. Ameen.
We are aware that this topic is not in my favour, nor should it be constantly discussed in a biased manner. It's honestly come to the point where I am tired of consistently repeating myself, so guess what? I won't.
The events which took place was a terrorist attack, no doubt it. And no, it wasn't called a terrorist attack because they were 'Muslim', it was called that because it was. Plain and simple.
Muslims vs the World.
I understand that the cartoons drawn by that magazine company were extremely offensive. But guess what? The cartoons were not just aimed towards Islam - but to many other sects of people: Christians, Jews and even Presidents. I fail to understand why such extreme measures were taken. What happened to petitions... discussions? Why has this world succumbed to violence being the only solution to the peoples problems. Nothing but embarrassment and sorrow is filled in my heart and I promise you, the fallen continue to be in my prayers. Yes there is an extent in which people can take regarding religious offences, but condemning violence is against the Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him)... it's against your religion. End of story.
Then again, saying that there is no longer 'freedom of speech' is utterly ridiculous. Freedom of speech still exists and being disgustingly offensive will also continue to exist. Think about it like this, if you had a conversation with someone, they can essentially say anything to you because they have the right to their own opinion, however, if they intentionally offend you, that is simply rude. Yes, you can have whatever opinion you want, and you can say what you wish, but if you have the intention of hurting someone with your opinion, you are disgusting. "Always ignore hateful attitude and rude behaviour of the people. They are powerless without your response". People are rude because they want a reaction. Unfortunately the employees of "Charlie Hebdo" gained an extremely negative reaction from two individuals, and they paid the price with their lives. It's actually really sad. May Allah forgive all of our sins.
To all my Muslim brothers and sisters that supported the violence towards the Charlie Hebdo company, may Allah SWT soften your heart and guide your lost souls. You have clearly no knowledge. If you think that the actions of those 'Muslims' was justifiable, you are deluded. The Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) did NOT condone violence. Subhan'Allah - imagine if the Prophet was alive today and this occurred. How would he react? Happy? Satisfied? No, disappointed and heartbroken. Disappointed in his Ummah (followers) because they let something small break their faith. They insult our Prophet with the things that they say, but we insult our Prophet by not following his way.
I refuse to continuously state that Muslims are not terrorists. It's getting old. You can't change how people treat you or what they say about you. All you can do is change how you react to it. If someone offends you, your culture, family or religion, be the bigger person and walk away. Do not give someone the chance to say something bad about you because you reacted in a bad way. Stay strong all my Muslim brothers and sisters. We will forever be blamed for actions caused by a minority. Trust me you ignorant fool, if Islam was a violent religion, you would probably not be alive. There are approximately 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, and increasing, so if we were terrorists, let's just say wars would be the 'norm'. Change the tune and break the damn record. You calling an innocent man a terrorist due to his faith is pathetic. You can break me, hate me and shake me, but you can never change me. God is good. Islam is my life. Je suis Muslim and proud.
Let me break it down for you
Oh Allah, please continue to increase my knowledge. Ameen.
We are aware that this topic is not in my favour, nor should it be constantly discussed in a biased manner. It's honestly come to the point where I am tired of consistently repeating myself, so guess what? I won't.
The events which took place was a terrorist attack, no doubt it. And no, it wasn't called a terrorist attack because they were 'Muslim', it was called that because it was. Plain and simple.
Muslims vs the World.
I understand that the cartoons drawn by that magazine company were extremely offensive. But guess what? The cartoons were not just aimed towards Islam - but to many other sects of people: Christians, Jews and even Presidents. I fail to understand why such extreme measures were taken. What happened to petitions... discussions? Why has this world succumbed to violence being the only solution to the peoples problems. Nothing but embarrassment and sorrow is filled in my heart and I promise you, the fallen continue to be in my prayers. Yes there is an extent in which people can take regarding religious offences, but condemning violence is against the Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him)... it's against your religion. End of story.

To all my Muslim brothers and sisters that supported the violence towards the Charlie Hebdo company, may Allah SWT soften your heart and guide your lost souls. You have clearly no knowledge. If you think that the actions of those 'Muslims' was justifiable, you are deluded. The Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) did NOT condone violence. Subhan'Allah - imagine if the Prophet was alive today and this occurred. How would he react? Happy? Satisfied? No, disappointed and heartbroken. Disappointed in his Ummah (followers) because they let something small break their faith. They insult our Prophet with the things that they say, but we insult our Prophet by not following his way.

Let me break it down for you
- Terrorism is not associated with the sect of a person, it is based on action. Use the term correctly.
- The Paris Shootings was a tragedy full stop. My condolences are with the families of the fallen. My condolences are with everyone who has suffered a tragedy.
- The criminals are Muslim by label but not Muslim by faith. Their actions were disgusting and unjustifiable. Justice has been brought to them.
- Islam does not condone violence.
- Blame the person, not the religion.

That is all.
I have more to say but I think I have covered most things. Until next time.
- email me for advice and queries tasahmedadvice@gmail.com
Tuesday, 9 December 2014
I'm Back.
Guess who's back?
I know it's been quite a while since I've last posted something, and I know for a fact that it will take me a while to get back into the routine of blogging every week. So for that, I apologise. But, I do want to make it clear that I am aiming to post every two weeks due to a very hectic life, circulating around school and other responsibilities. This leads to my topic of dreams. Let's chase it together.
I'll get straight to the point and not beat around the bush. Sixth form has started and wow, there are a range of personalities. I thought that high school would be a roller-coaster (it was but nonetheless), I can instantly tell that there will be a few dramas peeping around the corner. I'm not saying that it will involve me, because I will make sure it doesn't. I, along with many other strong minded individuals, have better things on our agenda than to bitch over petty things. Forgive my French, but my anger has built up for a couple of months now, and what's the best thing to do in my case? Blog. And here it is.
Whether you choose to do A-Levels or BTEC's, focus on aiming for C grades or A grades, we all have our own dream. I don't care about how many achievements you've accomplished, if you feel that everyone is essentially 'below' you, then you must quickly get off your pedestal friend. Let me explain. Focus is more important than intelligence. You may be highly able to excel in a subject that is conventional for you, and not your peer. Does that make you more intelligent? Does this particular subject you study automatically increase your status within the social hierarchy for students? Are you essentially the 'smarter' friend because you do English, Physics, Maths, Business, IT, Philosophy... The list goes on. Please, do not misunderstand me. I am not questioning your intellect, I am merely challenging your mentality and the way you think. Be honest with yourself. Do you undermine the 'creative' students? Do you think that it is so much easier to do an Art course, or a Film studies course rather than your excruciating course that will guarantee your success? Think for a second.
We all have an objective. We all aim to be great. Unfortunately, we live in a world of unfair and cruel human beings. The chances of succeeding have decreased because a vast majority of people are accomplishing what they set their hearts on, whether it is a degree or a start up business. Competition is increasing, the possession of gaining a 'chance' is decreasing. We are all chasing a dream.
There is a stereotype placed upon the students unable to excel in academic subjects. I'm right, aren't I? Those who fail Maths and English at GCSE are labelled as 'dumb' individuals and should take BTEC's because they cannot 'cope' in an exam. No one knows you better than you know yourself. For someone to dictate your route of success is ridiculous. Teachers may not agree with me, and you know what? That doesn't matter. The way I phrase my sentences, even the way in which I choose to write a blog post may not live up to the standards that has been placed on me by certain people. It doesn't matter. I can type till my heart is content, but that will not change the fact that there are some intelligent individuals that are unable to decide on what they want to do because of obstacles such as GCSE grades. I cannot fathom the thought of a piece of paper dictating one's life in which they then carry out into further education.
Let's go back to dreams, because this is a topic that is discussed within a few tumblr pictures but not discussed in an actual conversation. Why is that?
A situation occurred the other day which made a friend of mine cry. Yes. The extent of the pressure placed and the fact that she was displeased with her courses because no one else thought that they were worthy of acknowledgement. She does BTEC's. Stop. Did some of you assume something right there? "BTEC's aren't even hard though".
Sorry, be quiet. Re-evaluate the way you think. Just because you do all of these A-Levels, it doesn't mean you are the smartest person to step foot upon earth. I do A Levels. Okay, so what? I'm tired of the stereotypes placed upon BTEC's or even 'foundation' courses. What's the point? We are all chasing a dream.
My friend knows what she wants to achieve and knows her dream very well. She knows exactly how to accomplish that dream so let it be. Remember this, we all essentially chase a dream. Whatever we must do in order to achieve that dream comes down to us. If we need particular courses to achieve that dream, good. Do whatever you can to achieve your dream and do not let anyone, EVER, belittle your courses. Ever.
I'll sum this up in a few bullet points. Let me get this into your head.
- Do not underestimate creative courses/subjects
- I am not saying creative subjects are better than academic ones. I only want creativity to be acknowledged more
- Do not belittle those who do less A-Levels than you, or who get lower grades... Those grades do not measure your intelligence
- "Respond intelligently to unintelligent treatment"
You know your worth and that is all I can say. Do not treat people like fools. Enjoy the rest of your day/evening. Thank you for reading.
*e-mail for any advice and queries at tasahmedadvice@gmail.com*

Sunday, 14 September 2014
It's Getting Old Now.
Assalamualaikum everyone. Greetings my good people. Hello.
It's been a long time since you've read me eh? I hope you're well and to all those (including me) who have started college/sixth form, good luck! And to everyone else, I hope you all have a smooth school year ahead of you, filled with success In'Sha'Allah (God Willing).
It isn't Tuesday, but that doesn't mean I can't/won't blog. I came across an article a couple of days ago which really caught my attention. It was about a terrorist who was arrested but wasn't really shown in the media... I wonder why.
And no, he wasn't Asian, he didn't have a beard, he didn't have the name Muhammed or Abu or Ali. He wasn't tanned, he didn't wear ethnic clothes. His name: Robert James Talbot Jr.
I bet you didn't come across that name, did you?
Ladies and gents, lets talk about our favourite subject (not), terrorism.
I know this may seem pathetic but what do you honestly think of straight away when you hear the word "terrorist" on the news? I wont say it, but I know what you're thinking. Mr Robert was recently arrested around March for terrorism. He is a White, radical right-wing conservative who was arrested on the charge of "attempted interference with commerce by robbery, solicitation to commit a crime of violence and possession of an explosive material.” In other words, he's a terrorist, but no, you don't hear that on the news.
His scheme was to recruit five or six people who thought like him and set up a Facebook page called "American Insurgent Movement". Long story short, his plan was to rob banks to fund this 'revolution' and then blow up mosques. Subtle eh. I'll link the full article below, at the end of this post.
Now I don't know about you but I really hate these double standards. I am not going to sit here and type about how all Muslims are not terrorists because you've heard that before, whether you personally know me or have read my previous blog posts. One big thing I condemn is unfairness, unfairness to my people.
I've ranted previously, I've wrote paragraphs on my Facebook page, yet I still scroll down on my newsfeed and find my own past classmates posting comments regarding Islam. Listen here friend, don't comment on something you are not fully educated on. Period.
It's unfair that scum like him are not broadcasted in the media. It's unfair that the word 'terrorist' is and always will be attached to Muslims. It's unfair that my fellow INNOCENT Muslim brothers and sisters get blamed for the actions of pathetic monsters. It's unfair. If you've caught on yet, you'd have realised that I hate this constant terrorism talk, but you know what? I will continue to speak upon this just because not that many people do. Many people think it, but they wont say it. It's sad. You hardly see people standing up for what's right nowadays. It's so sad.
This world gets darker and darker by the day. Constant murders and crimes. What I fail to grasp the concept of is why are my people victimized when the word 'terrorist' is heard or seen. Why do you associate my people with this filthy word. You'd never associate a rapist or a robber with the word terrorist. You'd never say a White, Black or mixed person is a terrorist. However, an Asian or Arab is the picture that fits a terrorist. Isn't it?
How disgusting.
Let's get something straight, I absolutely disagree with the message that the so called Muslims who create fear of Islam are presenting, but then again, my opinion doesn't matter, does it? My innocent Muslim brothers and sisters opinions don't matter, do they? In this day and age, we've forgotten how to love. But I promise you this: hate will consume you.
This was a short post but hey, i'll be back on Tuesday. As always, you can email me for any queries, blog post suggestions or advice at tasahmedadvice@gmail.com
Here is the link for the article: http://www.deathandtaxesmag.com/217850/so-did-you-guys-hear-we-caught-a-terrorist-last-week/
Stay happy and i'll talk to you soon,
It's been a long time since you've read me eh? I hope you're well and to all those (including me) who have started college/sixth form, good luck! And to everyone else, I hope you all have a smooth school year ahead of you, filled with success In'Sha'Allah (God Willing).
It isn't Tuesday, but that doesn't mean I can't/won't blog. I came across an article a couple of days ago which really caught my attention. It was about a terrorist who was arrested but wasn't really shown in the media... I wonder why.
And no, he wasn't Asian, he didn't have a beard, he didn't have the name Muhammed or Abu or Ali. He wasn't tanned, he didn't wear ethnic clothes. His name: Robert James Talbot Jr.
I bet you didn't come across that name, did you?
Ladies and gents, lets talk about our favourite subject (not), terrorism.
I know this may seem pathetic but what do you honestly think of straight away when you hear the word "terrorist" on the news? I wont say it, but I know what you're thinking. Mr Robert was recently arrested around March for terrorism. He is a White, radical right-wing conservative who was arrested on the charge of "attempted interference with commerce by robbery, solicitation to commit a crime of violence and possession of an explosive material.” In other words, he's a terrorist, but no, you don't hear that on the news.
His scheme was to recruit five or six people who thought like him and set up a Facebook page called "American Insurgent Movement". Long story short, his plan was to rob banks to fund this 'revolution' and then blow up mosques. Subtle eh. I'll link the full article below, at the end of this post.
Now I don't know about you but I really hate these double standards. I am not going to sit here and type about how all Muslims are not terrorists because you've heard that before, whether you personally know me or have read my previous blog posts. One big thing I condemn is unfairness, unfairness to my people.
I've ranted previously, I've wrote paragraphs on my Facebook page, yet I still scroll down on my newsfeed and find my own past classmates posting comments regarding Islam. Listen here friend, don't comment on something you are not fully educated on. Period.
It's unfair that scum like him are not broadcasted in the media. It's unfair that the word 'terrorist' is and always will be attached to Muslims. It's unfair that my fellow INNOCENT Muslim brothers and sisters get blamed for the actions of pathetic monsters. It's unfair. If you've caught on yet, you'd have realised that I hate this constant terrorism talk, but you know what? I will continue to speak upon this just because not that many people do. Many people think it, but they wont say it. It's sad. You hardly see people standing up for what's right nowadays. It's so sad.
This world gets darker and darker by the day. Constant murders and crimes. What I fail to grasp the concept of is why are my people victimized when the word 'terrorist' is heard or seen. Why do you associate my people with this filthy word. You'd never associate a rapist or a robber with the word terrorist. You'd never say a White, Black or mixed person is a terrorist. However, an Asian or Arab is the picture that fits a terrorist. Isn't it?
How disgusting.
Let's get something straight, I absolutely disagree with the message that the so called Muslims who create fear of Islam are presenting, but then again, my opinion doesn't matter, does it? My innocent Muslim brothers and sisters opinions don't matter, do they? In this day and age, we've forgotten how to love. But I promise you this: hate will consume you.
This was a short post but hey, i'll be back on Tuesday. As always, you can email me for any queries, blog post suggestions or advice at tasahmedadvice@gmail.com
Here is the link for the article: http://www.deathandtaxesmag.com/217850/so-did-you-guys-hear-we-caught-a-terrorist-last-week/
Stay happy and i'll talk to you soon,
Tuesday, 15 July 2014
Tas Talks Tuesday: Tragedies Pt. 1
Assalamualaikum everyone! I hope you are all well and to those taking part, Ramadan Mubarak! I hope your fasts are going easy for you In'Sha'Allah (God willing). Today's topic is going to based around tragedies as a whole, mostly focused on murders and wars. I hope to interest you in some of my thoughts and the way I look at these social tragedies. As always, thank you for the support and enjoy reading lovelies!
"Killing under the cloak of war is no different than murder"
- Albert Einstein
I take it everyone is aware of the situation that's been occurring in Palestine for decades yet has gained more recognition from society these last couple of weeks. The media has shown the deaths of Israeli's and hasn't quite touched upon the Palestinian horrors. Constant bombing, mass murder. It's isn't a war, it's genocide.
Now many people that I've seen on social media have been accusing others of mourning over Israeli people's deaths. Why? A death is a death no matter what. Somebody loved that person, somebody cared for that person, now they're gone. They will not return upon this earth. I'm not Pro Israel and I support Palestine all the way, but this isn't about who's side we are on: its about doing the right thing. To my readers, to my fellow mourners, to the people who abuse the state of this conflict, to the people of social media, I ask you to please not tell anyone who they should mourn for and who they shouldn't. Let me explain before you decide to judge my opinion and think it's wrong.
In this case, innocent people are dying from both sides. There isn't a stop to it. There are innocent civilians in both Israel AND Palestine whether you like it or not. You cannot deny this simple fact. Let's think and forget about religion for one second. You do not have to be a Muslim to support Palestine. You just have to be human. There is no denying that what's occurring right now is the least bit humane. Videos and images have spread like wildfire on social media of death, death and more death. Without reading the caption, all I see are battered and wounded civilians. I scroll down and I see these absurd comments which states that those people deserved to die because they were Israeli, or they were a Jew, or they were Palestinian or they were Muslim. DISGUSTING!
I am outraged by the other comments coming from ignorant people, people of all colours, all religions, commenting on the fact that Hitler "should've killed all the Jews", or that "Muslims are evil and should all die. America should've nuked them". It hurts my heart. It really does. I sit there scrolling down on my phone, trying my best to reply to all these comments yet I get attacked for it because I'm either a "raghead", a "terrorist" or a "paki" - and for that, my opinion automatically isn't taken into account and is ignored. And that's not even the worst part. What makes my blood boil is the fact that people tell me that I shouldn't condemn Israeli civilian deaths. Who are you to tell me who I should or shouldn't care for. I don't care what colour, race or religion these civilians are from. They are still civilians at the end of the day. Once again, I will say this. I support Palestine. I always have and always will. But how dare you tell me I'm wrong for feeling sad that other people of another religious sect have died? They are not my enemies. They are NOT my enemies! There is no such thing in Islam.
I realise that some people may take this the wrong way. All I'm saying is that you, as a Muslim, a Christian, a Hindu, a Jew and a human, you should never mock the deceased. That crosses a line. As a Muslim woman, yes it is my duty to help out my Muslim brothers and Sisters in Palestine, but that doesn't mean I should just stop caring about other civilians dying too. Yes my Palestinian brothers and sisters mean the world to me, well so do my Syrian brothers and sisters, so do my Somalian brothers and sisters. I could go on and on but I feel like I'd be repeating myself until you've got the point.
I pray to God that these abusive commenters have time to reflect upon what they've written. As a human, you do not have the right to tell someone who they should and shouldn't mourn for. It isn't fair.
There are so many tragedies that occur within this world. So many forgotten ones too. This Palestinian conflict was also forgotten until recently. To all those who have been taking part in the protests and petitions, Ma'Sha'Allah. May Allah SWT continue to bless you and your righteousness. I hope that we all pray for those who have been murdered and massacred. I hope we all see that religious opinions shouldn't break us apart. I hope we have all learnt a lesson that an innocent persons death is still sad. Just as sad as the next. These are children dying, mothers dying, disabled people dying, fathers dying. People being imprisoned for no reason. Palestinians are being labelled as terrorists because all they're doing is retaliating. That is all.
I hope you understand what points i've tried to put across. I know for a fact some people may take this the wrong way., but don't. Understand what I'm trying to say rather than jumping to conclusions. Let us all take the time out of our days as they pass to sincerely pray for the lives that have been lost due to this genocide, as well as the other (civil)/wars occurring too. Here are some links below in which you can help the people of Palestine by signing a quick online petition. This is only part 1 of this 'Tragedy' blog post.
As always, you can email me for any queries, blog post suggestions or advice at tasahmedadvice@gmail.com
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