Guess who's back?
I know it's been quite a while since I've last posted something, and I know for a fact that it will take me a while to get back into the routine of blogging every week. So for that, I apologise. But, I do want to make it clear that I am aiming to post every two weeks due to a very hectic life, circulating around school and other responsibilities. This leads to my topic of dreams. Let's chase it together.
I'll get straight to the point and not beat around the bush. Sixth form has started and wow, there are a range of personalities. I thought that high school would be a roller-coaster (it was but nonetheless), I can instantly tell that there will be a few dramas peeping around the corner. I'm not saying that it will involve me, because I will make sure it doesn't. I, along with many other strong minded individuals, have better things on our agenda than to bitch over petty things. Forgive my French, but my anger has built up for a couple of months now, and what's the best thing to do in my case? Blog. And here it is.
Whether you choose to do A-Levels or BTEC's, focus on aiming for C grades or A grades, we all have our own dream. I don't care about how many achievements you've accomplished, if you feel that everyone is essentially 'below' you, then you must quickly get off your pedestal friend. Let me explain. Focus is more important than intelligence. You may be highly able to excel in a subject that is conventional for you, and not your peer. Does that make you more intelligent? Does this particular subject you study automatically increase your status within the social hierarchy for students? Are you essentially the 'smarter' friend because you do English, Physics, Maths, Business, IT, Philosophy... The list goes on. Please, do not misunderstand me. I am not questioning your intellect, I am merely challenging your mentality and the way you think. Be honest with yourself. Do you undermine the 'creative' students? Do you think that it is so much easier to do an Art course, or a Film studies course rather than your excruciating course that will guarantee your success? Think for a second.
We all have an objective. We all aim to be great. Unfortunately, we live in a world of unfair and cruel human beings. The chances of succeeding have decreased because a vast majority of people are accomplishing what they set their hearts on, whether it is a degree or a start up business. Competition is increasing, the possession of gaining a 'chance' is decreasing. We are all chasing a dream.
There is a stereotype placed upon the students unable to excel in academic subjects. I'm right, aren't I? Those who fail Maths and English at GCSE are labelled as 'dumb' individuals and should take BTEC's because they cannot 'cope' in an exam. No one knows you better than you know yourself. For someone to dictate your route of success is ridiculous. Teachers may not agree with me, and you know what? That doesn't matter. The way I phrase my sentences, even the way in which I choose to write a blog post may not live up to the standards that has been placed on me by certain people. It doesn't matter. I can type till my heart is content, but that will not change the fact that there are some intelligent individuals that are unable to decide on what they want to do because of obstacles such as GCSE grades. I cannot fathom the thought of a piece of paper dictating one's life in which they then carry out into further education.
Let's go back to dreams, because this is a topic that is discussed within a few tumblr pictures but not discussed in an actual conversation. Why is that?
A situation occurred the other day which made a friend of mine cry. Yes. The extent of the pressure placed and the fact that she was displeased with her courses because no one else thought that they were worthy of acknowledgement. She does BTEC's. Stop. Did some of you assume something right there? "BTEC's aren't even hard though".
Sorry, be quiet. Re-evaluate the way you think. Just because you do all of these A-Levels, it doesn't mean you are the smartest person to step foot upon earth. I do A Levels. Okay, so what? I'm tired of the stereotypes placed upon BTEC's or even 'foundation' courses. What's the point? We are all chasing a dream.
My friend knows what she wants to achieve and knows her dream very well. She knows exactly how to accomplish that dream so let it be. Remember this, we all essentially chase a dream. Whatever we must do in order to achieve that dream comes down to us. If we need particular courses to achieve that dream, good. Do whatever you can to achieve your dream and do not let anyone, EVER, belittle your courses. Ever.
I'll sum this up in a few bullet points. Let me get this into your head.
- Do not underestimate creative courses/subjects
- I am not saying creative subjects are better than academic ones. I only want creativity to be acknowledged more
- Do not belittle those who do less A-Levels than you, or who get lower grades... Those grades do not measure your intelligence
- "Respond intelligently to unintelligent treatment"
You know your worth and that is all I can say. Do not treat people like fools. Enjoy the rest of your day/evening. Thank you for reading.
*e-mail for any advice and queries at*

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