We all succumb to difficulty in our lives. We all prosper in different areas. We all have the ability to hide our authentic selves in front of certain people. We can be selfish too. Everyone has that distinctive characteristic which separates them from the rest of the crowd. Whether it's your humour, kindness, caring or rude attitude, humans have the capability of being extremely selfish.
I know people who only care for themselves. They automatically assume that they are 'prestigious' due to appearance or intellect when in reality, they are the same as their naive peers (who are within the same group). When you're in high school, college or sixth form, you'll come across the group who think they run the place, stamping on every other individual's self esteem, thus achieving maximum superiority. If you are a part of that 'group', get over yourself. Important people think about others and people that think they're important, think about themselves. You claim to be an 'individual' when you are nothing but an original: no intelligent ideas, no humbleness, no sincerity. Start becoming selfless.
It's not just the fact that these selfish traits lie in students because our elders can be extremely selfish too. When is it okay to determine or even estimate an individual's ability to achieve something and essentially belittle them? Teachers, tutors, parents, listen to your kids and let them breathe. Most elders constantly pester the youth, dictating what they should become in life, how they should achieve these pre-determined goals and who they should be. STOP. I agree, the youth are not perfect and will make mistakes, but no matter how much you try to guide them, they will mess up many times. And guess what? It's completely fine. Be selfless. Focus on moulding your children to become patient, appreciative and humble. Teaching arrogance and a "you're better than everyone" attitude will have its consequences. Do not be tempted to feed your children your personal dreams and goals. Please let them become individuals. Respected individuals. Indoctrination of the youth is becoming popular, with the life long goal being to acquire maximal wealth. Materialistic wealth is a temporary happiness and does not satisfy your psychological state of mind. There are so many things that money cannot buy... manners, morals and integrity. Focus on raising self-effacing children. The world needs more of that.

A simple guide on how to be selfless with those around you, FindingNeem edition:
- FRIENDS OR FOE: Our friends shape us and are extremely significant to how our personality forms. If you are the person that relies upon that one significant person in order to 'rant' your personal problems but yet you do not return the favour to them, please re-evaluate yourselves. Become pro-active and ask them how they are. What kind of friend are you, leaving them to deal with their problems without your support? Let them know that you are there, any time, any place. Hard times will always reveal true friends. True friendship does not revolve around being there when it's 'convenient', it's about being there when it is not.
- BLOOD: Family is important in itself. I know every family have their problems and I truly admire those who stick together. Having family members who treat you like a second option is never the best feeling. I personally have friends who are actually family and family who aren't even close to acting 'friendly' towards me and others. One thing I will tell you though, remain patient. Be selfless. Never stoop to someone's low level consisting of cussing and immature behaviour. Trust God and trust the process. I promise you, when you remain silent, you become more tranquil. Remain that way. Wise people avoid problems in the first place rather than attempting to solve them.
- LOOK AT YOUR CIRCLE: Take a look around, scroll through your contacts and see who's actually there for you. I mean, there for you always. We rise by lifting others. Never leave those kind to you, even when your patience is tested. Love and spread positivity and as cheesy as it sounds, be kind to those unkind to you.

As the above image states clearly, being selfless does not mean you forget about yourself, it's all about priorities. Know them well and you will become less selfish. It's easy for me to type this and present a 'humble' and 'kind' side to myself, but even I can be selfish at times. Whether it's ignoring someone because of petty conflict or acting distant, I am not perfect. I am still in search for complete selflessness. I hope you can start your search too.
Thank you for reading, till next time...
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