Well it's been a while.
Assalamualaikum everyone. I hope you are all in the best of health and are continuing to strive for success because that's how we all roll. I'm so glad to be finally writing again and to be posting all my drafts for the next months that I've been saving, but never being able to physically 'publish'. The reason for that? I'll get to it in a sec.
Today we discuss happiness. A fundamental emotion that truly should be our main goal to attain and maintain in life. As cliché as it sounds, happiness is a necessity that we must strive to grip onto and not let go. It's the difference between 'having a good day' and having a 'good life'. If you aren't happy then you will simply not lead a good fulfilled life.
So sit back, grab a hot drink and let me help you come to your senses. Welcome back to "finding your way", with me FindingNeem. Hope you didn't miss me too much.
So I would say that the last three-four months have been quite difficult for me. Unfortunately, someone with an extreme impact and influence in my life had passed away. Someone who had one of the most beautiful souls: my amazing grandfather (May his soul rest peacefully In Sha Allah). He was a humble and kind human being, and a foul word would never exit his mouth. His patience and energetic spirit is what I always looked up to. He always uplifted my mood whenever I saw him, and I am so blessed to have lived almost 18 years with him being actively present in my life. 'Generous' does not even come close to what my grandfather was. He was so special to everyone. So respected. A man of honour and integrity. That was my grandfather. My heart.
So yeah, it's been hard for me to be happy in terms of dealing with that and many other things but at the end of the day, I know exactly what I need to do in order to become a happier person, so why not share it, you know? Being genuinely happy is what I, along with many of you, need to achieve in a life where it seemingly becomes more difficult to do. What irritates me is that I used to be the person that attached materialistic possessions with my happiness. What was I thinking? Simply putting it, money don't mean sh*t. The car you drive, the watch 'glistening' on your wrist, the fancy overpriced drink you're sipping, the handbag you're flexing, the shoes you're showcasing DOESN'T MEAN ANYTHING. You think this rubbish can help you when you feel like nothing? You've sized yourself down to an atom because you're so depressed with yourself and what you've become. When you want to drown yourself with all the problems you have? When things don't go right with your partner? When your friend stabbed you in the back? When your family talk sh*t to each other all the time and dragged you into it? Or how about when your grades start dropping or your dreams start fading and your purpose in your life disintegrates? Or the time someone said they loved you and quickly forgot you with a finger click? How about when you let yourself rely on someone so deeply you lost yourself? Forgot your worth? Forgot who you were, what interested you and left those who actually cared about you out in the lurch? Tell me what money can do for you then! You spend your whole life thinking in a way which makes your values and morales lessen... but you don't care because you've got money right? Straight flexing.
Wrong. What you're attaining with materialistic possession is a temporary settlement. You're not really and truly happy. You're settling for the next best option to make yourself feel good for the next hour, day or week. When this fades, you're back to square one, thinking what next product to buy because you've fallen for this dumb industrial sh*t that you've told yourself will help ease your sorrow. Thank God i'm not where I used to be. This sort of materialistic thinking will break you one day. I promise you.
I don't mean to sound harsh, or make it look like I know who you are, or what you're about. I am simply talking from experience when I say that you will never be truly and genuinely happy unless you are content with yourself first. Put yourself first sometimes. Be selfish sometimes. It's fine, and I'm telling you it's honestly okay to not worry about everyone all at once. I get it. I've done this numerous times. You place everyone's problems on your shoulders because you feel obliged to be that 'one' they can always rely on. Yes, be there for someone, but also be there for yourself. Learn how to pick yourself up when you've been brought down. Learn that we all make mistakes and no one knows to live perfectly. Learn that surrounding yourself in good 'energy' really helps dictate your happiness. 'Energy' and 'vibes' are mostly what our gut instinct is made up of, so if your gut is telling you that someone is not good for you, then listen to it. You know yourself more than a person telling you that they do. No one truly knows you but yourself. You know how to be happy, and I don't need to teach you.
Let go of the people the hold you back.
Listen to yourself.
Let go of the people that tire you out constantly and give you nothing but stress and negativity.
Listen to yourself.
Don't believe you cannot achieve greatness but know that to achieve greatness, you must work hard.
Listen to yourself.
Understand that happiness is an emotion that you are in control of. You are in charge of your own happiness. If you get out of bed thinking you are not able to 'go on about your day', take a look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself you can.
Listen to yourself.
Appreciate the people that want to be in your life because they care but DON'T mistaken this for the people that are just selfish because they do not want to let you go. LET YOURSELF GO OF THEM. FREE YOURSELF.
Listen to your damn self.
Make a list of actual goals and make happiness your main priority, not clothes, not money and definitely not relationships.
Listen to yourself please.
Realise and feed off your personal interests and immerse yourself WITH yourself. Enjoy your precious time to embark on new positive experiences and create memories that will leave an imprint in your heart.
Listen to yourself.
Protect your heart from being tainted with the same people that cause you grief. Nothing lasts forever, so make your life worth living by escaping from those that cause you distress.
Listen to yourself.
Be happy, be happy, be happy.
Know that it's fine to have those moments where you feel like breaking, but do not let these moments allow you to forget your blessings and make you feel like you cannot overcome this bout of depression.
Love yourself.
Do not let your happiness lie within someone else, learn to be happy and alone.
Love yourself dammit.
Love yourself enough to know what's good for you and what's not. Love yourself enough to know that you are strong and can overcome whatever obstacle you face. Love yourself enough to tell yourself that you deserve to be happy.
We all deserve happiness.
Preserve your happiness. Live happy. Be happy. Thank you for reading. Till next time,
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