

Tuesday, 28 January 2014


Greetings darlings. How are we all today? I hope all is good and all is well. Today's topic is going to be about "Modestia". Lol, it's 'Modesty', it just sounded cooler in Latin O_o
I wanted to talk about this because recently I've been getting a lot of e-mails about this particular issue, especially from my Muslim sisters. Relax and read dolls :)

Lets begin.

As always, I like to start off my blog posts with a captivating introduction. However, I was e-mailed something hateful and discriminating towards me and my religion. It sort of made me laugh a bit because of the lack of knowledge this individual had and the assumptions they made. For obvious reasons I'm going to keep this e-mail anonymous. Take a read at this particular extract from the e-mail.

"why do you cover yourself up? you and all the rest look disgusting with it. I bet you'd look much more attractive if you wore englisher clothing. and that's coming from a girl. flaunt what you have because noone likes a bin bag" - Anonymous

Firstly, can we just all agree on something? "Englisher" is not a word boo. I think you're looking for the term "Western". I do wear western clothing and cultural clothing but I wear it in a way where it is modest.
Anonymous, do you know what modesty is? There are many definitions to the actual word 'modesty' or 'modest' but I would like to pick out a couple that is relevant to what I'm talking about.

1) regard for decency of behaviour, speech, dress
2) designed to prevent inadvertent exposure of part of the body

I would now like to elaborate on these definitions, especially because I think it could give you a better insight on "all the rest" of the people's lives who do decide to cover up and act in a certain manner. I never thought that it would be a problem to conceal our own body. Our own limbs. Our own features. Since when did it concern you? My covering is an act of symbolism towards my faith. A symbol for all the world to see. The opinions of the ignorant people doesn't faze me and it shouldn't faze any other person who likes to be modest, with speech, with behaviour and with clothing.

Thanks for calling me a bin bag, really, thank you. I now realize that being compared to an item used for rubbish is not effective at all. Everybody listen up, all the people that call you irritable and mean names, just ignore them. They want you to counter act and display a huge reaction. My way of backing myself up and others (when it comes to topics like this) is using the power of knowledge and speech. The power that sadly some people do not have. Be grateful for open mind human beings because I'm pretty sure the world would be a much crueller environment to live in if it wasn't for these people.

Dear anonymous, please do not bring physical attraction into it. The amount of things I've read due to a woman covering up or uncovering is just mad. What scares me the most from a 'Hijabi' (a Hijab wearer) point of view is that there are so many judgements made to Muslims sisters by other Muslim sisters! A word of advice, do not point out the flaws in somebody and air it to the world, especially in social media. If you truly are concerned then message them privately. Additionally, don't make indirect Facebook statuses and bash on them straight after. How does that make you look? Definitely not noble at all. It looks so bitchy.
Coming back to attraction. My standards are different to somebody else's standards. One person could be attracted to blondes and the other could be attracted to people with glasses. However, this doesn't' mean you dye your hair blonde or buy fake glasses just to impress that person. It isn't you! Try to meet your own standards of yourself rather than pointing out every other persons features which YOU do not approve of. My standards shouldn't affect you and your standards of others shouldn't affect them. If you don't like my Hijab, then fine, move please. I do not seek for the worlds approval, I only seek God's.

I do not wish to "flaunt" what I have because I simply don't want to. If I (along with many others) wish to keep myself to myself, why can you not appreciate it?

Why is my modesty your problem?

Thank you all for reading and sticking till the end of the blog post. Please share, or not. I don't mind lol.
Thank you so much for your time! Keep those queries coming at me on my e-mail! Good luck to you all. God bless! xx
If you would like to e-mail me on my blog account then here it is: tasahmedadvice@gmail.com


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