Do you brag to people about getting the highest score in an exam? Do you brag about your new expensive shoes you've just purchased? Do you brag about how everyone compliments you? Do you brag about giving to charity because you're such a 'noble' person?
"The biggest challenge after success is shutting up about it"
We have all bragged about something or even someone at one point, right? Bragging is a very "human" thing to do. If you've achieved something important to you, why not tell people about it? You'd obviously want to share your great news with those you care about right? Wait. There's a big difference with telling people about your achievement and bragging about it. Let me break it down for you.
To "brag" is just a way of boastfully saying something to someone. Bragging all the time could lead to you being associated with other negative characteristics such as arrogance and being conceited. Those sorts of characteristics are something you do not want to be identified and linked with. It creates such a bad aura for those who are surrounded by you. Bragging about your accomplishments just makes you look obnoxious, especially because of the fact that bragging is often prone to you exaggerating. On the other hand, bragging can often lead to misconceptions of yourself. You look like a show off. I don't understand the concept of people saying that they don't live to please anyone and no one can judge them. If that's the case, why do you constantly continue to try impress everyone else with your success?
"And turn not your face away from men with pride, nor walk in insolence through the earth" (31:18) - The Holy Qu'ran
What are you getting out of bragging? Are you trying to "make your mark"? It's a bad habit that many people should try to stop. Just try.
Now let's move on to telling someone about you success; i'll give you an example: getting a good grade in an exam and telling your friends about it. Firstly, because of the fact that they're your friends, they'll be genuinely happy and proud for you, especially if you tell them in such a way that you do not come across as being "full of yourself". Secondly, as friends, they'll support you no matter what grade you get. If you didn't do particularly well, they'll comfort you and if you did great then they'll congratulate you. When it comes down to telling someone about your success or achievement, you really need to think of how you are telling them. Do you cry with happiness or does your voice get a little high pitched because your shy about it? Or do you say it bluntly and joke about other peoples grades because they didn't do as good as you did. Don't put someone down for something. That's a horrible thing to do. "Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great".
In'Sha'Allah (God Willing) I can continue to speak about this topic in a video soon, so watch out for that. Thank you for reading this quick blog post. Hopefully it'll get you thinking.
Remember to e-mail me any blog post suggestions, queries or issues you have on my e-mail at
God Bless you all. Good luck.
For now,
God Bless you all. Good luck.
For now,
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