Welcome to Tas Talks Tuesday.
Let's define the word patience before we get started. Patience: the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious.
Now think. Are you patient?
Many things have been brewing these last couple of weeks and I initially thought I would just burst and break down with emotions, pouring my heart out and feeling depressed. I did. It wasn't great. It wasn't a nice feeling. I didn't understand why though. How did small things get to me? How does small things get to you? I'll tell you why, because every single small detail, annoyance or problem that occurs in life builds up to this huge and heavy puzzle that drags you down. You get tired, stressed out and you have no clue why or how. Your upset and you have no idea. Your angry but you don't know why you are angry. Your mood swings get a bit too much for others, for yourself. People ask you what's wrong and you do not know what to say to them because honestly, you don't know what's wrong yourself. "I'm fine" you say. Fake a smile and pretend like nothing wrong has happened in your life. That's a battle for many people. A battle that can never be won no matter how many weapons you've acquired.
There's so much suffering going on around the world, as we speak, and that gets to people like you and me. We feel guilty about complaining about our problems... we want to bottle everything up. This is a reminder to me as well but seriously, we can't bottle everything up. We'll eventually crack. Once that's happened, there's no way you'll ever feel yourself again. Trust me.
We don't want to carry on complaining about everything being messed up or the fact that everything is not going 'according to plan', but sometimes we can't help ourselves. We're human. Humans seek nurture and the goodness in people. Thank Allah for my best friends. I don't know where I would be without some of you darlings :)
The question that everyone who feels impatient is: how do I become patient?! Firstly, I shall bombard you all with these beautiful quotes from the Qu'ran (the Islamic holy book) and some Muslim Scholars. Read and think. It doesn't matter if you are from a different religion; if you believe in God(s) then take the quotes on board In'Sha'Allah (if God wills) and if you do not believe in God, then try to see the bigger picture? :)
I love this quote. I think it explains itself. The best thing to do when you are an impatient person is to never deny the fact that there will be better days. Pray and pray hard, whatever your religion. Your prayers are your one to one conversation with God. He listens. He plans. He rewards. If your reward is not in this Dunya (this world) then it will be in the Hereafter In'Sha'Allah. When you feel like no one cares and no one is listening to what you're saying, think again.
How true is this? I think it's safe to say we've all lost our temper at one point in life due to the impatience and not being able to bite our lip and keep our words to ourselves. Once something is said, it can never be taken back. “Because even the smallest of words can be the ones to hurt you, or save you.”
My favourite quote in the world. I live by this but I sometimes forget to be at peace with myself because I am the only one who is truly stopping myself from being 'the better me'. This applies to you as well. BITE YOUR LIP AND SAY NOTHING. Do not complain because the more time you spend complaining, the less time you'll have to enjoy your blessings.
First of all, release your stress and anger in a way no one would know. Scream into your pillow, write a letter about your feelings and rip it up. Psychologically, you'll feel weightless. You have finally released your emotions in a way which you will not cause harm to yourself or others.
Secondly, try to distance yourself from situations/people/things/tasks that cause you great grief and adds to your impatience meter. Whether it be in school, tell a teacher. TELL A TEACHER! Listen to me, it won't get any better if you don't tell someone with authority because your impatience is your own worst enemy. It can get you into a lot of trouble.
Lastly, learn that it takes time to become patient and is a skill because you can learn to be patient. In the long run, being patient will affect your behaviour in a more positive way. Whenever you feel the urge to shout or scream or you feel as if you not able to keep in your problems, struggle etc; learn to relax. Keep calm and carry on. WADD'UP TUMBLR REFERENCE WOO.
I want you, yes you, to know it gets better. For me, it's still getting there. I won't lie, I'm not 100% satisfied with my patience but i'm learning. I'm learning how to cope and so should you.
And that's a wrap! Thank you so much for your time! Keep those queries coming at me on my e-mail! Good luck to you all. God bless! xx
If you would like to e-mail me on my blog account then here it is: tasahmedadvice@gmail.com
If you would like to e-mail me on my blog account then here it is: tasahmedadvice@gmail.com
Heheh nice one.