

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Tas Talks Tuesday: Power of Words

Greetings all my amazing readers. Today I have something special in store for you. Warning, in no means am I a professional rapper, singer or music director. It's just something I enjoy doing. Hopefully you can enjoy it too and get the 'message' behind it. Introducing my new music video, "Battles". Watch it, like, share and subscribe, then continue to read below for the blog post on the Power of Words, In'Sha'Allah (God Willing). Also a side note, a big thank you to everyone who participated in the video! I am forever grateful :)

The Power of Words.

Words are a representation of how one is feeling. Words tell you whether you are good enough or not. Words wound and has the potential to murder. Whether it be the murder of ones dream or ones life, words are powerful. Words are brutal. Then again, words express love. Words caress but also possess. We are the master of words. We say what we want to because we have the right to... right?

There are so many ways of expressing our feelings to someone, to get a point or a message across or to just find a way to relieve ourselves by speaking to somebody because we have too much on our mind.
But why do we feel like we have the right to be able to say whatever we want and not expect consequences? Is it something that's been passed on from our ancestors? Is it the way we have been brought up? If you use words brutally in order to hurt someone emotionally, do you care or even think about the possible outcome that might occur? Once your words have been spoken, they cannot be retrieved. I think the term "think before you speak" can be applied in this post because it is scary how true it is.

Words have the power to make or break someone. You can only be pushed so far or so close to a certain limit in which you'll break and give up. As to everything in life, words have two sides: the bad and the good. Firstly, the good. Encouragement, motivation, charisma, compassion, faith, hope, success. What I've written and what I'm writing now are just words. They can mean nothing to one person and they can mean everything to the other. All of these 'positive' words make you feel good right? Let me introduce the idea of 'happy' words. When someone encourages you, it motivates you. You'll have hope and faith in yourself and you'll believe that one day you'll be able to achieve great success in all of your endeavours.
I used 8 'happy' words in two sentences just now. Now think for one second. Close your eyes and think. Be honest, when somebody encourages you to do better or be better, you feel appreciated and positive. Happy words have an effect of positivity amongst people. That's what they're there for.

Now for the bad. The bad mean words just scream negativity. Even the word "negative" or "negativity" sounds bad. Imagine the effect your hurtful words have on others. Think about the bigger picture. A friend once said that "it's easy for someone to diss their peers but difficult to compliment them". It's unfortunate because of the immense truth that the statement has. We can easily judge someone whether it be their physical appearance, their personal problems and/or experiences but then expect them to not care because they're just words.

Sometimes peoples compliments are just words to you. It doesn't effect you in any way. Why should it? Because they're just words you say. "Words don't mean nothing" you say. Yes, words mean everything. "Words are lies" you argue, but my friend, words are everything. Words are the truth, an opinion, a fact, a quote, a saying, a fable, a myth, a lie. Words are everything which is why the power of words is immense. We can never fully grasp the importance of words because of the depth in which it can be analysed.

Now, time to relate the power of words to real life and everyday problems.
"Be sure to taste your words before you spit them out"
When you want to hurt someone with words, think. Your diss can stick in that persons mind for a very long time, maybe even permanently. 100 compliments can't even make up for what you said to them because your negative words were so powerful. The consequence: you've damaged someone's confidence. Well done. (Sarcasm).

And you know what? It's not a laughing matter. It really isn't. You may act all high and mighty now but karma will come round soon. Use your words carefully. Please think before you speak. Please reflect before you eject negativity. Please use your head before you spread rumours. Please calm yourself before you harm someone else.  

I feel like I'm going to re-visit this topic in the near future. I don't feel like I've said everything I've wanted to say because I simply do not want to bore my readers. As always, thank you for the support. Thank you all so much.

Keep those queries coming at me on my e-mail: tasahmedadvice@gmail.com

Take care, God bless.


Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Tas Talks Tuesday: The Youth & You

Hey you! How's it going? As always, I hope you've had a good day and if not, there's always tomorrow :) So today's topic is about the youth. I was inspired from an English cover lesson that my class had not long ago. We had to write a magazine article based upon a statement saying how adults feel that the youth have a much easier life than they do. If you're a teen yourself, I hope this gets you thinking. If you're an adult, I hope your mind allows these views to stick with you.

Let's begin.

Why don't we start off by being honest about the stereotyping of the youth. Some teenagers live up to them right? The whole gang crime, cursing out loud in public, getting disrespectful to elders and others, creating commotion on public transport etc. Some teenagers do this. Some. Not all. So how dare the "adults" criticize our wrong doings and blame it on an age group as a whole.

How is life easy for the youth today? The fact that we have smartphones to always find "an easier way". How is life easy for the young generation? The ones who hate themselves for even being created. Everyone faces challenges, some more than others. Everyone has something to fight for, so who are they to judge a book by its cover.

Most adults claim they know it all because of their age: the fact they have lived longer than the rest of us teenagers. There is no denying that yes, they have had a longer life full of experiences that we as a teenager may not have come across yet however, how many times have we heard the phrase "I was your age once". Now obviously everyone older than us was our age once logically speaking. My question is, did they have it as bad as us youth back then? Most adults think that the youth have it so easy because of technology. Maybe domestically speaking we do, but financially, educationally and socially, life is not exactly a walk in the park.

Now no one said life was going to be easy. Easy living is simply impossible. Struggles are common nowadays. The poor are getting poorer and the rich are getting poorer too. A struggle is like being upset, you never want to admit it to others. Who would? For those adults who say that the youth have it easy is wrong. We're constantly fighting. Fighting to not fall in this continuous stereotype that is permanently placed upon our heads. 

What's so easy about a life where you despise the way you look? Your weight, your skin colour, the texture of your hair, the shape of your eyes, skin problems, the length of your nose, the idea that being beautiful means to look airbrushed every single day because when you don't, you're "butters". What's so easy about a life where it's hard for the common teenager to get good GCSE and A-level grades because exam techniques are always changing, grade boundaries are always changing too and most importantly, not being able to retake exams that you have failed in. What's so easy about a life where yes, social media is popular, but the consequence of this popularity results into cyber bullying. Cyber bullying links to self harming, suicide. All of this links back to your appearance because of your high school cliques, being called a "moist chick" because you wear 'old trends' and your so called friends are two-faced and in the end you don't know where to go. You don't know where you belong.

Because all of the above is the easy life, right?

We should be grateful for what we have because someone else could kill to have an ounce of what we own. I understand this. You should understand this. But let's be honest. You don't know how a struggle affects somebody. You don't know what goes on "behind the scenes". That girl or boy you see at school, smiling every single day, may have a family member battling with a terminal illness. Struggles are on-going and endless. The youth are constantly trying to represent themselves in a much positive manner. How can we be positive when there is so much negativity and lack of support. Thank you to the adults who support the youth, who recognize the effort some of us make. Yes, some of the youth need to fix up, but you adults are our role models. You fix up too.

I'm going to end this post with a quote,

“Some are young people who don't know who they are, what they can be or even want to be. They are afraid, but they don't know of what. They are angry, but they don't know at whom. They are rejected and they don't know why. All they want is to be somebody. ”  
Is it too much to ask an adult for support?
Thank you for reading.
As always, thank you all so much for sticking till the end of the post. E-mail me your queries at tasahmedadvice@gmail.com

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Tas Talks Tuesday: Pray

Hey you! How are you? If no one has asked you how your day was then don't worry, i'll ask. How was your day? I hope all is good. Now, to kick start this blog post, I have made a new video for the 'Special Guest Series'. My brothers do my makeup! Scroll down below for the video then after that, read today's post on prayers. Subscribe to me and his channel too to be updated on when part 2 (I do his makeup) is out. I hope you enjoy it dolls :)

Pray. Let's begin.

A side note, today's post will be more of an Islamic perspective however, it should be relatable to Non-Muslims too. Somebody e-mailed me a suggestion of creating a blog post about prayer so here it is. I'll start off with a short poem I've written myself. Nothing special but read anyways.

Do what you like, Say what you please,
You are nothing without Him, so fall to your knees,
Raise your hand, Close your eyes,
Because Salat (Prayer), Is the key to paradise,
"We were not created to please the creation", For we only strive to be the best of our generation,
No one is perfect, Everyone has heard it,
But sometimes the creation need to observe and,
Know that there is reasoning behind the reasons, That God didn't make those rules to hurt our feelings,
He wants the best for us, He wants us to know,
This life is temporary so don't seek for the world's applause.
Prayer is one of the 5 components of being a Muslim.
The importance of the prayers lies in the fact that no matter what actions one performs in his or her life, the most important aspect is one’s relationship to God. Faith, God-consciousness, sincerity and the worship of God are what surrounds this importance. “Verily, man was created impatient, irritable when evil touches him and ungenerous when good touches him.  Except for those devoted to prayer those who remain constant in their prayers…” (Quran 70:19-23) People ask why Muslims pray five times a day, my response is why not?
I'm not wasting my time am I? All I am doing is duty as a Muslim. Prayer is obligatory so there are no excuses. It's in fact the key to paradise. On the day of Judgement, the first question you'd be asked from Allah SWT (God) is if you have prayed your 5 daily prayers. 
It scares me when I hear stories of people who are physically unable to pray but perform lying/sitting down and Muslims that are perfectly capable use the excuse of 'not having time' or not 'being bothered'. The stories where my beautiful fellow brothers and sisters of the world cannot perform Salat (prayer) due to an illness but yet it doesn't stop them from praying in their minds, thanking Allah (God) for their blessings that others would die to have. So I ask again, am I wasting my time?
Someone once said what was the point of praying and believing in a God because when we die, there is no after life. My response is that if there is no afterlife, I would know as soon as I die that I was the best person I could've possibly been because of Islam. Islam is the way of life, not just a bullet point under the section "Religion".
Spirituality comes in many shapes and forms for some people whereas Muslims only see one way of connecting with God, praying. Praying is like a one on one time with God where you can tell your deepest secrets and problems. He (God) always listens. You feel a sense of relief and content whenever you finish praying, well at least I do. Alhamdullilah (All praise is due to God) that I have the ability to pray 5 times a day without being lured in from evil thoughts because I don't know where I'd be without my routine of praying. As for the Hereafter, God’s forgiveness and pleasure is closely related to the prayers.
“God has obligated five prayers.  Whoever excellently performs their ablutions, prays them in their proper times, completes their bows, prostrations and khushu (devotion) has a promise from God that He will forgive him.  And whoever does not do that has no promise from God.  He may either forgive him or punish him.” - Prophet Muhammed (Peace Be Upon Him)
The question I ask you people is how do you pray? When do you pray? If you are Non-Muslim, what days and what time do you pray because I'm interested to know. E-mail me.
For those who are Muslim and struggle to pray or do not have the intention to pray, please snap out of it and listen to what I have to say.
Try. Now some Muslims may say that their parents didn't teach them how to pray as they were growing up or that they don't know how to read Arabic, or that they do not know how to actually perform the prayer. Let's be real now, firstly, for those who blame the parents, what have you done yourself? Have you gone out of your way to actually read the Quran's meaning etc. Have you researched about prayer? Have you ever prayed in your whole life? We live in a world that is literally run by technology. It's amazing how easy it is to get answers to your questions in a simple click. If you have the technology of finding out yourself on how to pray, then why don't you? What do you actually have to lose? You're gaining more than you are straining your fingers to type a few words and click with a mouse. How about you visit your local Mosque? Talk to an Imam (a person who leads prayers in Mosque) and see if they can help. Please don't use the excuse of 'I'll do it later', because what if there is no later. We cannot determine when our souls are left in this world.
 I think I should wrap up this blog post but I'll go into more depth in the future In'Sha'Allah (If God Wills).
AND, that's a wrap! Thank you so much for the continuous support my lovelies! Keep those queries coming at me for Tas Talks Tuesday!

As always...

Sunday, 2 February 2014

Liebster Blog Award

Bonjour my beauties! What? You wasn't expecting a blog post today? Don't worry, i'll still be posting something on Tuesday but today I have something to share with you all.

 So I have been nominated for the Liebster Blog Award by the awesome Tommye Turner. Thank you!

All those who have been nominated for the Liebster Award have to tell your readers 11 random facts about yourself, I then answer the 11 questions from the blogger that nominated me, and then finally I choose 11 questions which have to be answered by the 11 bloggers that I choose to nominate (bear in mind they must have less than 200 followers)

Let's start.

11 Random Facts About Myself:

  • I have been to New York twice!
  • I have a fear of banoffee pie, yuck.
  • I was born on the 6th July 1998.
  • My teeth are very sensitive.
  • Raj from The Big Bang Theory is my husband. I can't even deal with his cuteness lmao.
  • I learnt how to do makeup by myself.
  • I take Expressive Arts (drama & music) as a GCSE.
  • Squirrels and Pigeons scare the crap outta' me.
  • I am right handed.
  • I am a Muslim :)
  • My dream house would consist of a room dedicated to praying and obviously a walk in wardrobe. I mean c'mon :D
Questions from Tommye:

What's your favourite book?
Even though I never read, the only book I could say is my favourite is probably "You Against Me" - Jenny Downham.

Books or films?
Definitely films. 

What's your favourite colour?
Every single pastel colour :)

How many houses have you lived in?

Name 3 things that you hate?
Spiders, the smell of Fish and science hehe.

What's your least favourite animal?
Oh geez, I don't think I have one. I fear all animals and creatures :'(

What would you name your child?
A girls name: Sana, Deena, Imaan or Ayesha
A boys name: Yusuf, Karim or Haseen.

If you had a million pounds, what would you do with it and why?
Open up an orphanage in less developed countries. Why? Because "The best of the houses is the house where an orphan gets love and kindness" - Prophet Muhammed Peace Be Upon Him.

Who is your favourite youtuber?
Gosh I have too many but my all time favourite youtuber is BFvsGF, better known for their prank videos (PrankvsPrank) PVP DOPE FRESH NATION SAAAN! ;)

What was your favourite TV programme as a child?
Kenan and Kel obviously!

What would be the perfect job?
A job where I can wake up each day looking forward to it because it's what I want to do and not what other want for me.

11 Questions to be answered by the bloggers I nominate:

  • What are some of your fears?
  • Favourite film?
  • What's your ethnicity?
  • Favourite song?
  • If you had to decide between buying an private jet or a boat, which would you buy and why?
  • One person you cannot live without?
  • What is your lifelong dream?
  • What phone do you have?
  • Burgers or Pizza?
  • Are you a health freak?
  • How old are you?
Blogs that I nominate are:


AND, that's a wrap! Thank you so much for the continuous support my lovelies! Keep those queries coming at me for Tas Talks Tuesday!

As always...