It's a little light hearted rant that i'm sure you will potentially find amusing. Thank you for taking the time out to read/watch my content. You do not understand how much I appreciate it. This blog post will however, contrast the video as I am going to write about the negative impact social media has upon this generation as opposed to just 'annoying people' in general. Grab a drink, relax, open up your mind and read ahead.
You are not the selfie you post on Instagram.
You are not the amount of likes you receive on your Facebook post.
You are not the amount of retweets your tweet has.
Your identity may be placed on your social media, but your soul is not.
Social media has grasped almost every single living person's attention. In fact, we, the younger generation, are almost encouraged to use social media to our advantage. Universities look for a unique selling point in each of us, whether we blog, make videos, have a photography website or have our own online business. Yes, there are many advantages of having social media accounts, but there are still so many negatives that occur. You are what you share. I don't care how many times you've heard or read something similar to what I am about to write, but seriously, be careful and aware of how you portray yourself to be on the internet.
No this isn't a bullying campaign, nor is it a lecture on what photographs you should post on your websites. This is something more important.
How do you make people feel on the internet?

Countless amounts of times I have seen cyber-bullying on different social platforms. Whether it's a dislike on a YouTube video, a 'thumbs down' emoticon on an Facebook post or an extremely abusive comment on an Instagram photo, it is very apparent that we as a young generation can be absolute idiots on social media. We can be fake, disgusting and horrid. Just because someone favourite's your tweet, doesn't mean they like or appreciate you for the content of your character. The saying goes, "do not fear the enemy that attacks you, fear the fake friend that hugs you". People can just be fake as hell to be honest. I, myself have personally experienced this. Your online friends can admire you, tell you how pretty you are or how cool your life is, but as soon as you turn around, there they are, back biting. I don't want to be associated with a knock off version of the 'mean girls', and neither should you. This applies to you males as well.

Why do you let the social standards of beauty get to you? Why is it that when you see an attractive female on the internet, your confidence quickly disintegrates? Are you sad that you cannot look like that individual? Are you angry that no one has recognised your beauty like they have to them? Well stop. It's extremely unfortunate that some females think they are not beautiful because they do not look like the girls that get 'worshipped' on social media. Don't think I am trying to take away anything from you ladies that receive this praise; I'm simply trying to reinforce my sisters that do not appreciate themselves that, they are in fact absolutely beautiful. Is that wrong?
This is for the ladies that feel too 'fat' and cannot embrace their curves. This is for the ladies that feel to 'anorexic' and cannot appreciate their slim physique. This is to the women who are classed as the 'plain janes' of the group because they do not wear make-up. This is for each and every one of you who feel depressed and irritated about what you look like. I appreciate you, my readers appreciate you, your family, friends, relatives and everyone else who do not openly compliment people (i.e. approach people in public) appreciates you. Embrace your appearance and focus on allowing your character to shine through. We do not have to tear each other down or envy each other on social media in order to feel some sense of empowerment. You're a Queen. I see you.

As always, any questions, queries or problems you have that you want my advice on, my e-mail is always open!
Till next time,