Assalamualaikum everyone. Greetings my good people. Hello.
It's been a long time since you've read me eh? I hope you're well and to all those (including me) who have started college/sixth form, good luck! And to everyone else, I hope you all have a smooth school year ahead of you, filled with success In'Sha'Allah (God Willing).
It isn't Tuesday, but that doesn't mean I can't/won't blog. I came across an article a couple of days ago which really caught my attention. It was about a terrorist who was arrested but wasn't really shown in the media... I wonder why.
And no, he wasn't Asian, he didn't have a beard, he didn't have the name Muhammed or Abu or Ali. He wasn't tanned, he didn't wear ethnic clothes. His name: Robert James Talbot Jr.
I bet you didn't come across that name, did you?
Ladies and gents, lets talk about our favourite subject (not), terrorism.
I know this may seem pathetic but what do you honestly think of straight away when you hear the word "terrorist" on the news? I wont say it, but I know what you're thinking. Mr Robert was recently arrested around March for terrorism. He is a White, radical right-wing conservative who was arrested on the charge of "attempted interference with commerce by robbery, solicitation to commit a crime of violence and possession of an explosive material.” In other words, he's a terrorist, but no, you don't hear that on the news.
His scheme was to recruit five or six people who thought like him and set up a Facebook page called "American Insurgent Movement". Long story short, his plan was to rob banks to fund this 'revolution' and then blow up mosques. Subtle eh. I'll link the full article below, at the end of this post.
Now I don't know about you but I really hate these double standards. I am not going to sit here and type about how all Muslims are not terrorists because you've heard that before, whether you personally know me or have read my previous blog posts. One big thing I condemn is unfairness, unfairness to my people.
I've ranted previously, I've wrote paragraphs on my Facebook page, yet I still scroll down on my newsfeed and find my own past classmates posting comments regarding Islam. Listen here friend, don't comment on something you are not fully educated on. Period.
It's unfair that scum like him are not broadcasted in the media. It's unfair that the word 'terrorist' is and always will be attached to Muslims. It's unfair that my fellow INNOCENT Muslim brothers and sisters get blamed for the actions of pathetic monsters. It's unfair. If you've caught on yet, you'd have realised that I hate this constant terrorism talk, but you know what? I will continue to speak upon this just because not that many people do. Many people think it, but they wont say it. It's sad. You hardly see people standing up for what's right nowadays. It's so sad.
This world gets darker and darker by the day. Constant murders and crimes. What I fail to grasp the concept of is why are my people victimized when the word 'terrorist' is heard or seen. Why do you associate my people with this filthy word. You'd never associate a rapist or a robber with the word terrorist. You'd never say a White, Black or mixed person is a terrorist. However, an Asian or Arab is the picture that fits a terrorist. Isn't it?
How disgusting.
Let's get something straight, I absolutely disagree with the message that the so called Muslims who create fear of Islam are presenting, but then again, my opinion doesn't matter, does it? My innocent Muslim brothers and sisters opinions don't matter, do they? In this day and age, we've forgotten how to love. But I promise you this: hate will consume you.
This was a short post but hey, i'll be back on Tuesday. As always, you can email me for any queries, blog post suggestions or advice at
Here is the link for the article:
Stay happy and i'll talk to you soon,